Logis Hôtels group - Governance
A board of management made up of hoteliers

The LOGIS HOTELS group, a non-profit organisation under the law of 1901, is managed by independent hoteliers. All structural decisions are submitted to and approved by the board of management, which is composed of hoteliers and elected officials.
Alain Bekaert
Corrèze (19)
Olivier Blanc
Inde-et-Loire (37)
Patrice Girres
Manche (50)
Nadia Savonnière
Meurthe-et-Moselle (54)
Alban Galpin
Vienne (86)
Franck Andrzejewski
Hautes-Alpes (05)
Christophe Azanza
Gers (32)
Eric Caillon
Deux-Sèvres (79)
Eric Huet
Calvados (14)
Philippe Raja
Ariège (09)
Tina Wessollek
Michel Son
Pascal Macé
Alain Bekaert
Patrice Girres
Olivier Blanc
Alban Galpin
Anne Jossinet
Karim Soleilhavoup
Julie Gillio-Tos
Michel Duret
Eric Fuchs
Didric Mestdagh
José Salvador